NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders)
NORD is a patient advocacy organization dedicated to individuals with rare diseases and the organizations that serve them. NORD, along with its more than 300 patient organization members, is committed to the identification, treatment, and cure of rare disorders through programs of education, advocacy, research, and patient services.
Rare Foundation Alliance (Global Genes)
Global Genes’ provides hope for more than 400 million people affected by rare diseases around the globe. To date, we’ve educated millions of people around the worldabout rare diseases, equipped patients and advocates with tools and resources, and provided funding to support for innovative patient impact programs.
Society for Participatory Medicine
The Society for Participatory Medicine was created by a passionate group of professionals and patients with a dream to transform the culture of healthcare. We envision a time when patients become full and valued partners in collaborative relationships with health professionals to achieve better health and well-being.
GuideStar Information Portal for Non-Profit Organizations
We envision a nonprofit sector strong enough to tackle the great challenges of our time. GuideStar’s Nonprofit Profiles provide you with the financial and operational information you need, gathered from multiple sources, to make smart decisions, build connections, and learn from each other to achieve your missions.