Hyper IgM Foundation Research Grants
The Hyper IgM Foundation is proud to announce the availability of seed grant funding for researchers interested in the advancement of a cure for Hyper IgM Syndrome. The intent of these grants is to accelerate scientific work focused on improving the treatment, quality of life, and long-term outlook for patients with Hyper IgM. Special consideration will be given to well-defined projects focused on new approaches for curative treatment or significant improvement of existing treatments for Hyper IgM Syndrome aimed at reducing mortality and morbidity and improving quality of life.
During the 2023 calendar year, the Hyper IgM Foundation will be awarding one-time grants of up to $100,000 to worthy recipients. Grant applications for 2023 grants have a submission deadline of June 15th, 2023.
Complete and relevant proposals will be reviewed by the Hyper IgM Foundation’s Research Committee (RC), which may solicit feedback from members of the Hyper IgM Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Committee. Any conflicts of interest will be disclosed in the review minutes and will be reported on grant approvals.
Grants may be approved for less than the full amount announced and/or requested. Grants may be split into two or more payments based on agreed upon goals met for continued funding.
Conditions of The Grant
- Funds may not be used for any combination of salary and/or lab support absent prior written approval from the Hyper IgM Foundation
- Recipient must make proper acknowledgments in presentations and publications resulting from the research sponsored by the grant. Recipient will also notify the Research Committee of any publications resulting from the work supported by the Hyper IgM Foundation grant
- The recipient must submit a final written progress report to the Hyper IgM Foundation at the conclusion of the award period. It is also expected that the grant recipient will present the final results of their research at a future Hyper IgM Foundation board meeting or teleconference
Application Process
Complete and return the Research Grant Application, with the following documents attached thereto:
Applicant’s Personal Statement
- Not to exceed one page
- Summarize your training to date
- Comment on your specific clinical and research interests
Detailed Research Proposal
- Outline the specific aims, background, methodology, purpose, and goals of the intended project
- Tables, figures, and graphs, etc. may also be included as supplemental documentation to support the proposal
Budget and Budget Justification
- A budget and detailed budget justification must be attached with the application. The budget justification should not exceed 2 pages
- Include documentation, if applicable, that the proposed research was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) or human subjects Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the grantee institution
Curriculum Vitae/Biosketch
- Please attach your most current curriculum vitae or biosketch, highlighting experience as it relates to your proposed project. Please also list publications in order of relevance to the proposal
- Primary Mentor Biographical Sketch (NIH Format)
Application Submission and Inquiries
The Hyper IgM Foundation accepts submissions of the Research Grant Application and all required inquiries and materials by email at research@hyperigm.org.

The intent of the our research funding is to accelerate scientific work focused on improving the treatment, quality of life and long-term outlook for patients with Hyper IgM.